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Madison B

Madison B

Juniper is the self-proclaimed dog-boss of the Eements office. Juniper knows how to get the job done, which, in her case, means getting someone to throw the ball for her at all times and keeping everyone at the office in-line: no loud sounds, no running and certainly no dogs getting more attention than her. Her intense work-ethic may suggest she’s a dog who doesn’t know how to have fun, but don’t be fooled. Juniper has also got a soft side that can be seen in happy butt wiggles, sleepy couch cuddles, and joyful swims in the Huntington Reservoir across from base. Juniper’s favorite part of working at Elements is hanging in the warehouse with the field back up team, getting treats and hiding from her dog mom who likely wants her to sit in the adventure program office (boooooring). Other things Juniper loves: saying hi to Tabitha the Elements Administrative Assistant, scrambling on rocks in our desert field area, and chasing sticks that clients throw for her on the days she gets to visit groups.

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