Phone (866) 542-2252


Assistant Group Lead

Originally from Southern New Jersey, CJ was raised hunting, fishing, hiking and camping throughout the riverways and vast land of Batsto State Forest.  After many attempts at school and different jobs, he spent six years in the Air Force and after that decided to spend some time travelling in North and Central America where his love and appreciation for the outdoors grew even deeper.

CJ experienced a lot of self-growth and understanding of who he is and what he believes during this time. After some time living mostly solo throughout the various states of the Western United States, he tried living abroad but the call of the Mountains was too great.

It brings him great joy to be a part of something that allows him to be himself while enjoying and experiencing nature and sharing experiences with others.  CJ believes the discomfort and struggles we face allow us to better understand ourselves and who we are, not only as individuals but how we affect others and our environment.

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