Phone (866) 542-2252

As a small, owner-operated mental health treatment program, you would be hard pressed to find a group of people who are more invested in the work that we do than the Elements ownership group.

This is a direct result of some of our founding principles: stay small, stay personal, and share the investment.

Stay small: We don’t believe in trying to be everything to everybody. We have never contemplated “buying the vertical” so we can serve every family from start to finish. We believe in the adage of “do a few things but do them well” and have applied that to each population we serve as well as our overall niche in treatment.

Stay personal: Research has shown that the number one indicator of positive treatment outcomes is relationship (literally “clinical alliance”) with the therapist/treatment providers. That is why we are committed to always staying small enough that we and our staff teams can know each of our clients. Relationships aren’t simply the key to this work; relationships are the work. All seven of the Elements partners have a long history in treatment programming, and all of us came from much bigger entities. Although we have no issue with “scaling up” as an economic concept, we do not think it is the best approach to short-term treatment programming outcomes.

Sharing the Investment: We started with three partners and slowly expanded our ownership group to seven, with every new population we intend to serve. This ensures that we grow laterally instead of vertically, always staying close to the ground and having an owner directly involved in virtually every facet of the experience. We want nothing more than to know that everyone around us cares as much as we do about safe and high-quality work, and the resulting outcomes.

Ownership Team

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